What Is In Our Treasure Chest?

by riverbendcog

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What is the greatest thing that we treasure in life? Is it life itself, our children, the possessions that we own? What we treasure shows others what our priorities are.

In Matthew 13:44-46 Jesus describes the Kingdom of God being like a buried treasure, or a pearl of great value. If we discovered buried treasure or a pearl of great value what would our response be? We would most likely be very excited to have found it, dreaming of what it could do for us—-perhaps pay off our mortgage, send our kids to college, go on an extended vacation. After it’s all gone though, then what?

How excited are we that we can be a part of God’s Kingdom? It is a treasure that gives eternally but to gain this treasure we need to decide what to do about Jesus for without Jesus we cannot gain the greatest treasure there is, the God who promises an eternal life with Him.

For some God is a means to an end but to live a life worthy of Him we need to value Him above all else every day for the treasure that He is. Our greatest treasure is a God who desires a relationship with us, a God who loves us unconditionally, a God who sacrificed His Son so that we could have access to Him. A life with God lived this way is a life of love, a life where we need not be afraid, a life that is not controlling nor self-seeking. It is a life of forgiveness, of security and it is offered to us daily.

If we have not yet sought God as our greatest treasure to put into our treasure chest, what is stopping us? What needs to change in how we do life?